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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Each and Everyone of Us is an Architect of Change

By Deborah Israel, APR
President, PROFIT Communications

To be truthful, that headline alone inspires me. At PROFIT Communications, we use the tagline, PR & Marketing Architects and I’ve always really liked it because it signifies constructively building something in order to produce a cause-related effect or result. 

It’s amazing how many people I’ve met who selflessly manage to lend their support to local area boards and committees, coaching responsibilities and township, school and congregational initiatives.  Using your professional gifts and ‘human capital’ to help further the cause of an organization can be one of the most enriching and motivating experiences you’ll undertake. 

Situation Room 
I was approached late last year by the Upper Dublin Lutheran Church Transition Team in search of members with specific skills to chair and co-chair various task forces to move through the laborious and emotionally-charged process of finding a replacement for the congregation’s beloved lead pastor for the past 15 years due to retirement. 

Solutions-Oriented Process 
James, the Leadership Task Force co-chair and I shared the responsibility of managing over 20 passionate congregants and leaders to meet our objectives of producing a profile and essentially a job description if you will of what this new pastor would bring to the table to complement the now remaining highly talented, yet more senior pastor.  Our assessment work was to be completed within 60 days or less in hopes of producing and providing this document to the Synod decision-makers to review, process and begin the search. 

Cut to the Chase 
The document produced by the Leadership Task Force combined with the sum total of data from the four other groups provided a ‘razor-focused’ blueprint that enabled the multi-generational call committee to identify a candidate that was a near-perfect fit.  Brought before the congregation for a vote, they unanimously approved!  Further, Upper Dublin Lutheran Church will be welcoming its new pastor and family in August and officially installing him in January. 

As a proven business leader and professional with exceptional personal connectivity and communications skills, Debbie Israel was selected to co-chair the Leadership Task Force for the pastoral transition process at Upper Dublin Lutheran Church.  Coordinating and directing a 20+ eclectic group of the church leadership with strong personalities and opinions towards a productive outcome was a challenge which Debbie accomplished with grace, precision and determination.  In a very tight time-frame, the group met and exceeded its mandate.  We were fortunate to have had her in this crucial leadership role. 
Kent C. Griswold, PhD, MBA, Upper Dublin Lutheran Church Transition Team Leader 

If you or your organization is looking for a communications ‘Architect of Change,’ contact Debbie Israel at 484-681-9516 or

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